Summer Preludes

‘The Summer Preludes are a kind of musical diary‘

Composer Joey Roukens about his Summer Preludes:

The Summer Preludes are a piano cycle of a number of preludes and an epilogue. These pieces were written during the summer of 2020, one of those hot, erratic summers that we’ve seen more and more in recent years, with a long heat wave in August, but also rainy, almost autumn-like days. The Summer Preludes can be listened to as a kind of musical diary, where each of the preludes is a reflection of a certain day or period during that summer: then we hear friendly, sunny days, then more turbulent days, then again the silence of a summer night, then an endless rain shower, then another sluggish heat wave. For me, summer is also the time of year to relax and reflect, and many of the particles have a reflective tone.


Joey Roukens (1981)

Summer Preludes:
Summer Nostalgia
Quiet Summer Night
The weather has changed
Little meditation I
Heatwave (Little Meditation III)
An August Morning
Epilogue – End of Summer

  • Dirk Schäfer: Suite ‘In de Stilte’
  • Alexander Voormolen: Tableaux des Pays-Bas (Selection)